metabolic wastes造句
- Metabolic wastes are also transferred to the water through diffusion.
- Like other animals, the removal of toxic metabolic waste requires water.
- Ammonia is both a metabolic waste and a metabolic input throughout the biosphere.
- The metabolic waste is then released from the body along with fecal matter.
- Metabolic waste is excreted through a pair of nephridia close to the anus.
- The bacteria also dispose of metabolic waste using ions.
- In insects, a system involving Malpighian tubules is utilized to excrete metabolic waste.
- Many negatively charged metabolic waste products are eliminated from the body by the kidneys.
- It had been linked to a gene known as SOD1, which treats metabolic waste products.
- These symbionts recycle glutamate, a metabolic waste of their host, into essential amino acids.
- It's difficult to see metabolic wastes in a sentence. 用metabolic wastes造句挺难的
- The glymphatic system clears metabolic waste from the mammalian brain, and in particular beta amyloids.
- Some tree frogs with limited access to water excrete most of their metabolic waste as uric acid.
- The allantois ( 8 ) is a sac that collects the metabolic waste produced by the embryo.
- Metabolic waste diffuses or is actively transported into the tubule, which transports the wastes to the intestines.
- The sleeping brain has been shown to remove metabolic waste products at a faster rate than during an awake state.
- This provides a means of delivering materials to the cells, intercellular communication, as well as removal of metabolic waste.
- Besides size and water circulation, two other key factors of the functionality of a livewell are maintaining proper temperature and removing metabolic waste.
- The renal sacs actively adjust the ionic concentrations of the urine, and actively add nitrogenous compounds and other metabolic waste products to the urine.
- The coral protects the algae with its tissue as the algae helps the host with energy and nutrients, as well as removing metabolic waste.
- This build-up of lactic acid was thought to be a toxic metabolic waste product that caused the perception of pain at a delayed stage.
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